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Ble medlem: 09 nov 09
Innlegg: 1697

Lagt til: 02 des 11, 12:56

Opprinnelig postet av Gargamel

Opprinnelig postet av Welhaven

I can't see how we can sell one of our most stabile players, especially when he plays defence - that part of the team is thin already.. The only possibility is if the price is right, and I mean right.

Well, we did sell Gamboa last season, and he was one of the best defender in the Tippeliga, so it wouldn't suprise me..

...but we currently have 4(!) defenders, (not conting Langren, witch is a midfielder, but served well as a right back)so if we did, we would have to shop an equal good (or better) player and not a 50/50 chance player like Myrie, and that would probably cost even more..

It's the lack of defenders that concerns me, as well as Thomassen is the most stable player in our defence. Couldn't possibly see that this will become anything more than it is; a rumor...


Stolt og trofast motgangssupporter, men sier heller ikke nei til medgang..!

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